Intercampus Travel

Faculty and staff are encouraged to travel to different campus neighborhoods for events, meetings, and more. If you are located in or looking to travel to one of the below locations, please check out the different ways that Transportation and Parking Services can help you move around!

Have questions or feedback about your intercampus travel experiences? Please reach out through our colleagues at The Service Point!

Canal Pointe

100 Overlook Center, 600/619 Alexander Road, and 701 Carnegie Center

Canal Pointe Getting Around Guide


Active University permits allow cross-parking between select campus lots and off-campus lots:

  • Employees working out of the Canal Pointe offices:
    • Assigned Blue Zone parking permits and may also park in Theater Drive Garage, Stadium Drive Garage, and Lot 20. Click for more information.
    • Check with your department administrator about whether a departmental parking pass for additional lots is available.
  • Employees and students with active Green Zone, Red Zone, Purple Zone, Commuting Graduate or Residential parking permits: May park in the lots proximal to Canal Pointe offices.

Commute-related and Princeton Municipality meter parking charges are not allowable expenses per Finance and Treasury's Travel Policy.

Lyft Pass

Transportation and Parking Services up to 24 fully subsidized Lyft rides for University employees and students who need to travel to/from Canal Pointe and other University facilities.

Once enrolled, Lyft will automatically apply the 100% subsidy to any eligible ride taken with your Lyft account. The cost of the eligible ride will be crossed out and the word "Free" will appear. Your Lyft Pass will automatically renew each month. 

Request your Campus Connections Lyft Pass



  • Weekday curb-to-curb shuttle service for permanent or temporary mobility assistance.​
    • Service area includes Elm Drive.
  • Rides can be reserved between:
    • Semester: 8 AM - 9 PM
    • Summer/Course Breaks: 8 AM - 5 PM
  • How to use:
    • Submit a TigerAccess Request
    • Request rides directly with the TripShot app. 24-hr advance notice needed



A TigerAcess van, the University's curb-to-curb ADA accessibilie vehile waits for a rider with the wheelchair ramp deployed.

TPS-Sponsored Charter Buses

Transportation and Parking Services sponsors bus service between Canal Pointe and other campus facilities for major campus and department events, including but not limited to:

  • AAMG
  • President's Town Hall
  • HR New Hire Welcome
  • Open Enrollment Benefits Fair

Information on using the buses will be distributed in advance of these events with the help of department administrators.

Additional TPS-sponsored bus service is available for large department meetings or events on campus. Please reach out through The Service Point for assistance in arranging such options.


693/755 Alexander


Active University permits allow cross-parking between select campus lots and off-campus lots:

  • Employees working out of 693 or 755 Alexander:
    • Assigned Blue Zone parking permits and may also park in Theater Drive Garage, Stadium Drive Garage, and Lot 20. Click for more information.
    • Check with your department administrator about whether a departmental parking pass for additional lots is available.
  • Employees and students with active Green Zone, Red Zone, Purple Zone, Commuting Graduate or Residential parking permits: May park in the lots proximal to 693 and 755 Alexander Road.

Commute-related and Princeton Municipality meter parking charges are not allowable expenses per Finance and Treasury's Travel Policy.

Lyft Pass

Transportation and Parking Services up to 24 fully subsidized Lyft rides for University employees and students who need to travel to/from 693 Alexander and other University facilities.

Once enrolled, Lyft will automatically apply the 100% subsidy to any eligible ride taken with your Lyft account. The cost of the eligible ride will be crossed out and the word "Free" will appear. Your Lyft Pass will automatically renew each month. 

Request your Campus Connections Lyft Pass



  • Weekday curb-to-curb shuttle service for permanent or temporary mobility assistance.​
    • Service area includes Elm Drive.
  • Rides can be reserved between:
    • Semester: 8 AM - 9 PM
    • Summer/Course Breaks: 8 AM - 5 PM
  • How to use:
    • Submit a TigerAccess Request
    • Request rides directly with the TripShot app. 24-hr advance notice needed


TigerTransit's Route 4 currently services both 693 and 755 Alexander. Buses run every 15-30 minutes between 7 AM to 7 PM, Monday-Friday.

  • 693 Alexander: Use Alexander Road at Roszel Road stops. Riders may also request service from the entrance of 693 Alexander, marked by an A-Frame bus stop sign.
  • 755 Alexander: Use Alexander Road at Roszel Road stops.

Click to check routes and schedules.

Lyft Pass

Transportation and Parking Services up to 20 fully subsidized Lyft rides for University employees and students who need to travel to/from 693 Alexander.

Once enrolled, Lyft will automatically apply the 100% subsidy to any eligible ride taken with your Lyft account. The cost of the eligible ride will be crossed out and the word "Free" will appear. Your Lyft Pass will automatically renew each month. 

Request your Campus Connections Lyft Pass



Active University permits allow cross-parking between select campus lots and off-campus lots:

  • Employees working at Forrestal:
    • May activate a Blue Zone parking permit to park in Theater Drive Garage, Stadium Drive Garage, and Lot 20. Click for more information.
    • Check with your department administrator about whether a departmental parking pass for additional lots is available.
  • Employees and students with active Green Zone, Red Zone, Purple Zone, Commuting Graduate or Residential parking permits: May park in the Forrestal Campus lot.

Commute-related and Princeton Municipality meter parking charges are not allowable expenses per Finance and Treasury's Travel Policy.


TigerTransit's Route 3 currently services Forrestal Campus. Buses run every 30 minutes between 7 AM to 7 PM, Monday-Friday.

Click to check routes and schedules.



Meadows Drive Garage

At this time, the Meadows Drive Garage is not open to use. Updated information will be provided in Spring 2024.


Active University permits allow cross-parking between select campus lots and off-campus lots:

  • Employees working at Meadows Campus:
    • Assigned Blue Zone parking permits and may also park in Theater Drive Garage, Stadium Drive Garage, and Lot 20. Click for more information.
    • Check with your department administrator about whether a departmental parking pass for additional lots is available.
  • Employees and students with active Green Zone, Red Zone, Purple Zone, Commuting Graduate or Residential parking permits: May park in Meadows Drive Garage.

Commute-related and Princeton Municipality meter parking charges are not allowable expenses per Finance and Treasury's Travel Policy.


TigerTransit service will be extended to the Meadows Campus. Please check back in mid-February for updated information.

Click to check routes and schedules.



Active University permits allow cross-parking between select campus lots and off-campus lots:

  • PPPL Employees:
    • May activate a Blue Zone parking permit to park in Theater Drive Garage, Stadium Drive Garage, and Lot 20. Click for more information.
    • Check with your department administrator about whether a departmental parking pass for additional lots is available.
  • Non-PPPL Employees: Parking at PPPL is not managed by Transportation and Parking Services. For more information about visitor parking options, please see the PPPL website.

Commute-related and Princeton Municipality meter parking charges are not allowable expenses per Finance and Treasury's Travel Policy.


TigerTransit's Route 3 currently services PPPL. Buses run every 30 minutes between 7 AM to 7 PM, Monday-Friday.

Please note that riders looking to disembark at PPPL will need to scan their badge or confirm visitor status at the guard booth.

Click to check routes and schedules.

Check available parking

When does the next TigerTransit bus arrive?

Download the TripShot Mobile App to your mobile device for real-time bus arrival info on the go. You can even plan your trip by tracking the real-time arrival of your bus with TripShot right from your desktop or tablet or display on a public screen in your building using custom screen displays.
* Login is required for night-time on-demand services