Lyft Pass

A woman sits in the back of a car and had her phone out.


TPS offers several fully-subsidized Lyft Passes to support comprehensive transportation options between University facilities for faculty, staff, and students. Subsidized Lyft passes are to be used for University business needs only. 

Lyft Safety-Net Fund for Off Campus Care

The Office of Campus Life provides a Lyft Pass for transporting students to and from all therapy and medical appointments.

A student may submit a request for the Lyft ride through the Safety-Net Fund application on the Campus Life webpage.



Princeton University’s partnership with Lyft allows for department administrators to set up a Lyft program to meet a transportation need in your department not solved by one of TPS's parking, TigerTransit, Carshare, or existing Lyft Pass services (Lyft rides to be invoiced to department).

Lyft Pass FAQ

Princeton University staff are not able to provide Lyft technical or customer support. If your question related to your Lyft app or your Lyft account are not covered by the below commonly asked questions, please contact the Lyft Support Center.